Monday, January 17, 2011

Tuesday 1.11.2011

Today was a bit overcast. The Jeepster needed a good wash before I left Colorado, but I decided to wait until I got to L.A. because I knew (especially going through the mountain pass) that it would get dirty again.  One of the first things I noticed in L.A. is the cars. There are tons of Mercedes, BMWs and Range Rovers everywhere – it’s wild. Everyone also likes to keep their car seemingly immaculate. I very much enjoy going to the do-it-yourself car wash (or just a sit-in-the-car automatic) which you really have to go out of your way to find.  So for convenience sake and because the interior could definitely use a vacuum I decided to try a well-reviewed car wash across the street from where I’ll be interning and they did a fantastic job. Granted it took longer, but the car looks the best that it has in a long time!  From a previous description I had read I thought the internship site was a single small building, but it consists of several huge buildings – I was shocked (I can’t mention them by name on here—I had to sign some papers verifying that I wouldn’t mention them on social networking sites).  I went to Ikea for lunch and to pick up some odds and ends. I also hit Trader Joe’s on my way home. I’m thrilled to finally live somewhere that has Trader Joe’s. Boulder would be perfect for one, but they won’t go there because of Colorado’s strict laws regarding liquor sales in grocery stores. The prices are low and the food is really good! Later I ventured out to the North Hollywood Target for some cleaning supplies and hangers. Driving up there I passed Circus Liquors which I recognized from the scene in Clueless where Alicia Silverstone gets mugged. Super!  I was also amazed at the number of Latinos at the Target. I’ve never been to a Target with department signs in English and Spanish. Some of their home décor was even targeted towards a more Latino community (virgin Mary candles, etc). Tonight I went out for dinner and coffee with a friend of mine in Silver Lake.

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